So the day after retrieval, I was definitely sore. I was able to get up and make a simple breakfast and pack lunches, but I was grateful for Rob's assistance with this.
Embryology called to let me know 15 of the 22 eggs fertilized. They wanted to know if we were transferring 1 or 2 and I said, "that kind of depends on what you tell us about the embryo's." I made it clear we really didn't want twins, so were leaning toward one. But at the same time, wanted the best chance. She said, based on that, they would probably lean towards a 5 day transfer but we would just have to wait and see.
They had said I could "go back to work" but I just don't see how anybody really could. I mean, it wasn't pain like my c-section, but it was still tough to move around, bend over, walk very much. I had so much going on that day....DAisy girls scouts (I am the leader), Set up for MOPS (I was supose to show the new coordinators for the next year what to do) and Josh's string concert.
Nope, nope and NOPE!
I stayed home and rested. I got up just enough to feed myself and Noah. Pulled a pre-cooked sliced ham from the freezer and called that dinner and rested. I just wasn't up to it.
I was starting to get frustrated by not feeling much better, so I called another MOPS mom who I knew had been through IVF a couple of times to get her thoughts and experiences. I felt so much better after because everything she described was exactly what I was feeling. The bloat is unbelievable. For those of you who have been pregnant, it's like that really heavy pressure you feel below your tummy during the last month of your pregnancy.... And there is so much stimulation, it presses against your bladder, so you have to go to the bathroom every 10 minutes. And since you are suppose to drink 80 oz of water it ends up you need to pee every 5 minutes.
I was hoping I would feel better the next day, so I could go to the last Mops meeting of the year before summer break. and I was looking forward to seeing how many son to be embryos would survive the night. They said the wait for that can be brutal, but that's OK. It's just a little wait. The big wait will be the "dreaded 2ww."And so ends cd 27.
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