Tuesday 5 July 2011

Day 16

I am starting out day 16. No breakfast yet as I yet again forgot to take my synthroid. In the mean time, I did make myself a cup of coffee. mmmm coffee. Nature's miracle, really.

When I "diet" coffee has always been the one thing I wouldn't hold back on...always real sugar (although I don't like it sweet) and very light. I prefer cream to half and half I like it so light. Wether counting points or calories, I always gave myself my wonderful coffee.

But if I was going to give this paleo thing a real shot, it meant no sugar and no dairy. Well, blegh. Or in the world of Battlestar Galactica, frack me.

I don't drink coffee to "wake up." It' s just my guilty pleasure. I enjoy the taste, the aroma, the feel of the warm cup in my hand....better yet, sending the kids downstairs to play and enjoying just a few minutes on Sat mornings with DH.

And I am a total sucker for take out...Diner coffee, Starbucks (just coffee, I refuse to spend $5 for a cup of designer coffee) or if you live in the Northeast, all i have to say is "WaWa" and you know what I'm talking about! I don't stop and get a cheeseburger or candy bar, my secret vice is coffee.

I don't even drink full leaded - it's decaf for me all the way. I once heard about a study they did, using decaf instead of regular. Just the smell and taste of the decaf was enough to mimic the "wake up" abilities of regular coffee. And it totally works. If I'm feeling tired or need a pick me up, a cup of decaf Joe and I am all set.

But wait...no sugar? No cream? not even half n half? I can't even stand the taste of milk in my coffee, forget black! Rob (aka DH) who used to drink his coffee sweet as lemonade is down to black and some saccharin. Double. Blegh. (Frack!)

One solution was to get coconut milk non dairy creamer. Yes, they actually make it, although we can only get it at Whole foods or a health store near Rob's work...not exactly convenient. Not quite the same either. It's not a bad substitute though. But I don't want to live my life "substituting" every thing. I want that same joy I had before...not just a passable substitute.

So I tried something new this morning that I think might be a winner for me: vanilla almond milk lattes! I took non sweetened vanilla almond milk - half a cup and warmed it to hot in the microwave. I then took a stick blender and blended until foamy. Mix with coffee and a bit of splenda and *bingo* my own designer drink! The trick for me is not too much splenda. If it tastes sweet, there's too much. Add just enough to take out any bitterness.

So here's my cup of joe....morning to ya!


  1. HI! I'm Stacy and I found your blog from your husband's. I commented there too, but I had to come say hi and introduce myself. I recently completed a 40 day Paleo challenge and I too have PCOS. It did AMAZING things for me and my "issues". I wrote about it on my blog if you'd like to read it - http://midlifearmywife.com/blog/2011/06/22/my-30-day-paleo-challenge/
    I can't wait to follow along on your journey, and I hope you have incredible results too! I am now going to go back and read your blog from the beginning, but I just had to say hi first!

  2. Ok, I have to make one more comment :) Please, please try to get away from the Splenda! Artificial sweeteners are so bad for your system, and Splenda causes all sorts of gastrointestinal issues. My mom got into all sorts of "insides" trouble because of that stuff.

    I hear you completely on the coffee! My hubby (also named Rob!) is a black coffee drinker and we joke that I "mess up" my coffee, but I love milk in my coffee, and a little sweetener is preferred for sure. I've been using a little honey in mine during the Paleo challenge. At first I thought honey was only for tea, but it works! I use honey and the unsweetened vanilla almond milk, and it works! Just try it :) The honey - especially raw honey - is natural and so much better for you than the artificial stuff.

  3. Stacy, your blog was actually one of the first I read when I started all this. Nice to "meet you".

    I only use half a pack once a day - do you think that's too much? I don't put it on anything else during the day. *But* I will definitely try the honey!
